5 Small Copywriting Tweaks To Make A Big Impact On Your Results

Cathy Goodwin
2 min readApr 11, 2021

For DIY Copywriters Who Want More Powerful Results

copywriting for small business
Image from Depositphotos.

When I started to study copywriting, I assumed we’d make large, sweeping changes to transform the copy. I was surprised to see the impact of small changes. Now I tell my DIY clients: “Often when the copy seems hopeless, a twenty-minute fix can be all you need.”

Get started with these 5 tweaks as a checklist. and let me know how it works for you.

1 — Use the word “you.”

Don’t be afraid to turn sentences around to turn attention to the client.

Extra tip: As an exercise, take the copy you’ve written. Rewrite every sentence to begin with the word “you.” Variations (“you’re” and “your”) are ok.

Original: This course offers 3 tips to revise your home page.

Revised: “Your home page will get more clients when you use these 3 tips to revise your copy.”

Or: “With these 3 tips, your home page will begin drawing clients like bees to honey.”

OK, not bees to honey, but you get the idea.

2 — Use present tense wherever possible.

“You will enjoy” becomes “You enjoy.”



Cathy Goodwin

Create a compelling marketing message that attracts your ideal clients through your unique selling story. http://cathygoodwin.com