Got a ton of writing to do? Let’s make it easier…

Small business owners often find content creation gets harder after they’ve reached a certain success level.

Cathy Goodwin
5 min readJul 5, 2022
Image by Ryland Dean on Unsplash

I still remember the first time I performed standup comedy at a club’s open mic standup. I didn’t know enough to be scared. After many years as a college professor, I was used to speaking to all kinds of audiences.

Sure enough, my first performance went great, and the next few did, too. But as time went on, I got more nervous. Not all audiences were receptive. I was challenging myself to become edgier.

Writing for an online business also gets harder as you grow.

Many of my clients begin (as I did) by writing easily. Early in the process, your ideas flow. You have no trouble imagining your target client sitting across the table from you, nodding appreciatively.

After a while, something changes. You used to knock out a blog post in nothing flat. You funneled your enthusiasm into sales letters and landing pages.

Sometimes you find yourself taking a little longer. Tasks you enjoyed become sources of frustration. I’ve met a few people who stopped completely. If you’ve been around a while, you’ve generated momentum and…



Cathy Goodwin

Create a compelling marketing message that attracts your ideal clients through your unique selling story.