Member-only story
Sending emails to your list? No need to begin with a story.
If you’ve been anywhere in the online marketing space lately, you probably heard two bits of advice.
1 — Email marketing is the best and most profitable way to connect with your audience, especially if you’re a solopreneur: you’re selling yourself and you are the brand.
2 — Open every email by telling a story. You need to hook your audience and stand out in a crowded world.
The first piece of advice is true. The second can be a trap.
How many times do we open an email with a promising subject line, only to find ourselves falling down a rabbit hole into someone’s personal story…a story that seems totally unconnected to that tempting subject line?
And how many times do we struggle to find a story that will engage our audience?
In last week’s podcast episode, I asked marketing expert Cindy Bidar, “What are the biggest story mistakes you see?”
She immediately pointed to emails where the sender shared a story and then said, “And now let’s talk about our real message.”
It feels like you’re being served dessert as a teaser for the serious meat-and-potatoes main course.
What can we do instead?