Only part of the story: Don’t leave out Chapter 1.
You’ve got a Lead Magnet — but that is Chapter 2.
If you’re like most business owners, you’re looking for ways to get more subscribers on your email list.
And you’ve probably been told to create a lead magnet. You need a gift to motivate readers and listeners to hand over their email addresses.
But there’s one step the email courses usually leave out — creating an opt-in page. You have to inspire visitors to reach for your offer.
These days a headline like “Free report!” will rarely grow your list. You have to sell your free lead magnet as if it were a paid product.
I recommend writing your opt-in page before you write (or revise) your lead magnet. It’s easier to create a lead magnet when you know what the selling points will be. It’s harder to add them in afterward.
So you’re much more productive when you draft the sales letter — the opt-in page — before you create the product.
What you may not know is this:
An opt-in page doesn’t have to follow a tight, rigid format. Some of my high-converting pages (think 60%-80%) break a lot of the rules. Some don’t even have pictures. Some aren’t exactly easy on the eye
Why not create (or revise) your opt-in page for your favorite giveaway? I’ve put together a special offer to help.
So don’t skip this step in your Lead Magnet Story. Writing your opt-in page should be your beginning. You have “new subscribers on your list” as the Transformation…but only if the opt-in page works.
Originally published at